gifs by DeathPwny


jrwi, dnd, fnaf, mlp, dinosaurs, spittake!, warrior cats, minecraft, female rap artists, buzzfeed unsolved, watcher, horror, cats, ferrets, ghost, grishaverse



polyam lesbian demigirl
sun she moth
adhd autism selfdx

BYF i dont tag cursing or caps, dont correct/make fun of spelling errors, might forget to tag interests, ok with die jokes
DNI basic dni criteria, support mspec lesbians, invalidate neos, proshipper, mcyttwt unless i follow first, nsfw account

shoutout to the pizzeria i love yall




fuck you. die. but fr u are like a father to me lmao. thank you for putting up with my bullshit. ur fucking hilarious and i love talking to you about lore !! ur the best, man.


u are genuinely the sweetest person i have ever met. i have known u for a while but i am so glad we actually became close back in crescent ! ur book recs are AMAZING !! u make my day so much better and u can light up a room ! <33


ur an absolute menace. and ily for it. ur sense of humor is so ?? its so fucking good. also UR ART ?? ITS INSANE HOW AWESOME IT IS LIKE DAYUM !! i love talking to u shawty


u are so great and tysm, without u the pizzeria wouldnt exist so i owe u. ur so funny even if UR A FREAK !! tysm for helping me with that history project btw i will never forget that lmao. o7 fellow funky fox


i am so glad weve been friends for so long <33 ur so nice and genuinely so cool !! also ur cosplays are awesome. i love hanging out with u and i hope we have classes together next year !


u are terrifying in the best way possible. u are wayyy too good at video games and u are also way too smart ?? like ?? also lore wouldnt be a thing without u, so thanks for that even tho you put me in a box ! ur amazing


man i have known you since third grade and holy shit, i am so glad we became friends. we have been through so much together and i genuinely consider you a brother to me. you are so fucking funny but also a little shit ! rat.


u are one of the most caring ppl i have ever met and u deserve the world. seeing u at school is great and thank u for being here <3


we need to hang out more omg. the times we have hung out were awesome, esp the ren faire (I WON THAT SWORDFIGHT BTW.) btw i love ur style like u can make anything u wear look good. love ya shawty


bro !! u always manage to make me laugh its scary. i love hanging out with you so much and thank you sm for letting me rant to u about dnd <33 love u my fellow funky fox